Tuesday 19th of November 2024, 7pm – Live and on Zoom
Demystifying AI: a Book Week Scotland Literary Gathering

We join with Local literary groups Edinburgh Writers' Forum, and the Society of Authors, to explore AI's impact on literature.
For the first time, three of Edinburgh's popular literary organisations are hosting a joint gathering to celebrate Book Week Scotland 2024, to explore some of the challenging issues surrounding AI. Tickets are available through Eventbrite: please choose in-person or zoom. Note this is a FREE event but tickets are limited so please return your ticket if you are unable to come.
The presentation will be led by AI expert Neil Broadley. Neil has spent over thirty years working in technology, and currently specialises in cybersecurity and information security. He is also married to a writer, so he's used to discussing how AI affects us.
Primary topics:
What is AI and what can it do?
What are its drawbacks? Will it ever replace creatives?
What are the ethical implications of using AI?
After Neil’s talk we will have questions from the room and from Zoom. We’ll have plenty of time after the event to continue the discussion and mingle with folk from across the literary scene.
We are delighted to be hosted by Virgin Hotels, which is a fully accessible building. We'll be in the main section of Eve Bar, which is accessible via the Victoria Street entrance or from The Cowgate. Drinks will be available as well as books.
How it Works:
19:00 Doors open, mingling
19:30 Welcome and Introduction
19:35 Neil Broadley: Demystifying AI
20:00 Audience/Zoom* Questions
20:25 Notes of Interest and Brag List**
20:30 Mingling and Socialising
*We invite people joining us on Zoom to use the ‘comments’ section to ask questions which we will try to include in the Q&A. If people want to remain after the presentation, we can facilitate break-out rooms. We will not be recording the event.
**For anyone who hasn’t been to a Writers’ Forum event, we include a “brag list” where we share the good things that are happening in our writing worlds. Look for how to contact us on your Event Reminder before Book Week Scotland begins.
Accessibility Notice
Edinburgh Literary Salon is open to all those with an interest in all aspects of Literature, whether professional or personal, and to all parts of the industry: writers, publishers, booksellers etc. All are welcome, and events have free registration. The Book Week Scotland event is in a fully accessible venue, but we will also livestream the Presentation. If there is a problem accessing zoom, we will do what we can to assist. We strive to ensure adequate audibility, and straightforward registration. We invite positive feedback on how we can improve, even within our limitations as a non-funded organisation. We welcome open conversation.